Fly Box corner storage unit for base cabinet | Fly Box 地櫃轉角聯動收納盒套裝
Fly Box corner storage unit for base cabinet | Fly Box 地櫃轉角聯動收納盒套裝
存貨單位 (SKU):HVB-FB45/A
Urban series dampened pull out Fly Box corner storage unit for 450 mm width base cabinet door. The unit comprises 1 pull-out mechanism and 2 sets of outer shelves & full extension inner shelves. Each tier can be operated independently of the other. The shelves have one-piece dark grey aluminum profile and melamine bottom.
Urban 系列 Fly Box 地櫃轉角聯動收納盒套裝帶阻尼系統,450 mm 寬面板適用。每套配伸展框和 2 層各 1 組外部收納盒及全拉伸內部收納盒。每層收納盒可單獨拉出。收納盒配全個深灰色鋁合金圍邊及深灰色底板
■ Loading 承重 : Max. 20 kg per tier | 每層載重不超過 20 kg
■ Fly Box mechanism with soft-close | Fly Box 伸展框架連帶緩衝自關路軌裝置
■ Reversible, can be used left or right | 不分左式/右式,伸展框架及收納盒可同時適用於向左或向右拉出方向
■ Allow easier storage & access to the contents of 2 rear shelves as each can be pulled
out at full length, “flying”, with just one single movement | 只需一個拉動動作,便可將每層櫃內後方的收納盒完全拉伸、「飛」出來,便於儲存和拿取物品
■ Each tier of shelves can be operated independently of the order | 每層收納盒可單獨拉出
■ 4 shelves can be easily removed for cleaning purpose | 4 個可拆式的收納盒方便清洗
■ Colour of mechanism 伸展框架顏色: Dark grey | 深灰
■ Shelves 收納盒: with one-piece dark grey aluminum profile and melamine bottom | 配全個深灰色鋁合金圍邊及深灰色底板